Glutathione IQ Benefits For Athletic Performance And Recovery
Glutathione, as you may know, is a molecule that your body makes inside every single cell. And some cells have a whole lot more than others. Within 10 minutes of doing an aerobic activity, the amount of glutathione in your muscle cells (the cells that you’re exercising) decreases by about 40%. There are 4 primary things that glutathione does within the cell that are critical for cellular functioning,
Cellular vitality & health:
• Primary anti-oxidant inside of every cell you make and you make it yourself.• Primary anti-inflammatory of every single cell in your body
• Primary detoxifier of the cells in your body.
• Directly supports the production of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate )which are the energy packets that every cell uses for all of its functioning.
Aerobic vs Anaerobic Athletic Activity
If you’re a long-distance runner, a marathon runner or a triathlete, most of what you’re doing is an aerobic activity. There will be small bursts of anaerobic activity but by large, these are endurance based Activities.
Anaerobic activity is exercise without oxygen and typically a very short burst of activity, less than 2 minutes. For example, jumping, jumping rope, a weightlifter and sprinter. During anaerobic activity – even if you’re doing long-distance running, part of what happens is you build up lactic acid. And that’s a little different than the free radicals that are produced during normal aerobic activity. Lactic acid builds up in the muscles and can cause a lot of pain, and it also has to be flushed from the body. Glutathione does not play a direct role with lactic acid. Glutathione helps diminish the inflammation in the cell that occurred from the production of lactic acids
So in the aerobic metabolic pathway, glutathione plays a huge role in recovery and endurance. In the anaerobic part because it's such a short burst, the glutathione will clean up the mess afterwards, but it’s not as critical as during endurance activity.
The Role of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) During Athletic:
Performance During the actual muscle work, whether you’re running, lifting weights or whatever you’re doing, the job of the cell is to produce ATP and glutathione in that part of the process will be critical to maintaining the ATP production. If you’re involved in an exercise, you have many mitochondria making lots of ATP and if you don’t have adequate glutathione inside those cells, the mitochondria will slow down its ATP production so that it doesn’t kill themselves. If your glutathione levels are low, your endurance will also be lower.During athletic activity, the number of free radicals increases within your cells dramatically. When you increase free radicals, you will also increase inflammation within the cell. The more you’re working that cell, the more the demand for the ATP, the more ATP that is made, and the more the glutathione needs to be there to clean up the reactive oxygen species that are spun out as we make ATP.
How Does Glutathione IQ Help The Recovery Phase Of Exercise?

After exercise part of what has to happen aside from decreasing inflammation and cleaning up the environment, you also will have some muscle cell remodelling and strengthening that involves protein, and the linking of the amino acids together to make the different proteins in your cells is also very much a part of the general function of glutathione.
In the recovery phase, the cells are now at rest compared to the exercise phase. The cell is trying to recover itself and make sure that it has optimal vitality. If you look at the function of glutathione within the cell, it will do a clean-up. It will clean up the reactive oxygen species and there are other antioxidants that will help it. The other ones that you make yourself like catalase and superoxide dismutase and coenzyme Q10 and then the ones that you might consume in your diet, either because you ate food that was rich in antioxidants or you used a supplement that was rich in additional antioxidants. Hydration is so important as you are trying to flush the toxins and acids from your body that are being metabolised out of your body that have built up from the athletic activity.
What we hear again and again from trained athletes who start raising their glutathione levels is:
• “My stamina is better, my strength is better and my recovery was massively shortened.”
• “I didn’t have the stiffness, the soreness, the inability to go do it again the next day that I normally would experience.”
Highly trained athletes are really tuned into their bodies and do many things to support the health of their muscles. So for them to have that kind of experience, it makes the rest of us wonder what’s going on. And it comes right back to decreasing inflammation within the cells – post-exercise. That’s where glutathione IQ fits in very nicely.
Click here to purchase our Glutathione IQ Syrup